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  • Motor Mind B.

6-24V 2A Serial Motor Controller (MMBe) *DISCONTINUED*

0.10 LBS

Product Description

*DISCONTINUED* This serial motor controller provides serial control of small brush DC motors. Motor speed and direction can be controlled with 255 discrete step in both directions. The 21 serial commands include set duty cycle, stop, reverse, read tachometer, set-point or proportional-integral speed control, write EEPROM, read EEPROM, change baud rate, change PWM frequency, count, set duty cycle and direction (a single command).

Check out app notes and the datasheet to get you started quickly.

  • Accepts serial commands
  • 6-24VDC DC motors
  • 2A continuous (3A with cooling), 6A peak
  • 1"x1" with a 9 pin SIP right-angle header
  • LED indicators for communication and faults

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